Hi, my name is Joseph, i am orthodox. I need the pray, for long time. Thank you and God bless.
- a întrebat 13 ani ago
- last edited 9 luni ago
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Hi Joseph, I am glad that you wrote us, we are very happy that Ortodoxia „live” so far away from here, a place at which we haven’t thought about. I hope you understood my message. I don’t know very bad English, almost nothing. It will be easier for me, to answer you in Romanian language, because I can’t ask always my friend to translate. I suggest you to try to find a way to write for me in Romanian, if this is not possible I can’t really help you. I hope, I didn’t disappoint you and I will be happy to share with you thoughts and ideas.
Hristos with us
Mag. Vitalii Mereuțanu
- Guest a răspuns 13 ani ago
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Răspunsul tău
Te rog să te autentifici mai întâi pentru a trimite.